Haram Haqiqatjou #3: Dismissing domestic violence in Muslim community as “nonsense”
When Daniel Haqiqatjou’s Twitter page was shut down, his biggest platform became Telegram. In this message to his followers, Daniel suggests that addressing the issue of domestic violence in the Muslim community is “nonsense”, and that only statistics could validate this issue. As is well-established, data is difficult to come by, especially when women are reluctant to speak out.
Haram Action
Daniel employs terms of mockery and sarcasm to illicit responses from those affected by a given issue. In this case, he says “screeching and moaning about Muslim domestic violence” to garner responses from the far left who may overstate the issue. Nonetheless, this is terribly unprophetic language. It is irresponsible and unbefitting of an individual with a significant following to speak of a serious matter in this way, belittling the reality – whether major or not – of domestic violence.
Evidence of Haram
Throughout the book of Allah SWT, the enemies of the prophets and the hypocrites are described as mocking, belittling and making sarcastic comments about the prophets and the righteous. That is why Allah says, “We shall be sufficient in dealing with those who make fun of you” [Ḥijr; 95]. In addition, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “Woe to the one who talks about something to make the people laugh, in which he lies. Woe to him! Woe to him!” (Jami Tirmidhi)
Date: July 28, 2022